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Full Moon April

Di., 27. Apr.


online via zoom

Opening the heart to life and living pure abundance and joy - Meditation in English

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Full Moon April
Full Moon April

Zeit & Ort

27. Apr. 2021, 22:15 – 23:15 MESZ

online via zoom

Über die Veranstaltung

Price: CHF 30.- /  EUR 27.- / USD 32.-  / GBP 22.- : payable by TWINT (Switzerland) or Paypal (International)   

The full moon in its splendor is truly magical. Shining brightly, the full moon is a symbol of the wholeness and fullness of female power. Every full moon is a moment in which we can connect particularly well with ourselves and see, feel and manifest our inner and outer fullness. It stands for a strong connection between earth and heaven and is the true liberation of the old. In our full moon trip we dedicate ourselves to the current energy quality of the moon and change our inner parts of the lack into abundance - pure joie de vivre and vitality should and may be lived freely. With inner journeys we activate these and turn to the magical power of life.

Time: 22.15 CET - Zurich 

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moments of energy & Kinesiologie Rita Erne
Dorfstrasse 30a
5430 Wettingen

phone:   +41 79 385 35 50

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