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Summer "break" and traveling...

"We must rest from time to time and wait until our souls have caught up with us." Indigenous wisdom

Or maybe it's the other way around at the moment, we need to take a break from time to time and wait until our bodies catch up with our souls again...

Summer, sun, peace and "soul food" - so many people travel during their much needed and longed-for summer holidays to look for and, of course, find exactly this.

The last few months have been hectic, there has been a lot going on, it has been energetically intense, it has been demanding on all levels for many people. For years now, in my daily practice with my clients, I have observed that the months of May and June are almost more intense than the winter months before Christmas. Everything is getting more intense, the pressure is getting bigger, and the demands on oneself are also increasing - and very few people really manage to stay calm and centered. This year, everything seemed to be even more intense than the years before.

The energies in and around us are demanding, change quickly and place a lot of demands on our physical existence. Our energy systems and our perceptions change, move very quickly, very dynamically and our bodies stumble behind. As a result, many people reached their limits and from my personal energetic point of view and perception, so many people had particular complaints, were constantly ill or suffered inexplicable pain. Everything that was and is in resistance to these new, fast energies blocks, stiffens, holds on and does not flow.

Nobody can resist it, it hits us all where we have our own issues and our topics are still present.

And now it is summer - for many people a time of break and vacation, which invites us to pause. Of course, many people travel, take time for themselves, leave everyday life behind. However, we should note that we do not have an energetic break, as we think. And yet summer gives us space to devote ourselves to our deepest being.

This summer would be such an important summer to create balance and bring body, soul and spirit into deep, stable connection.

It won't get any slower, but we can't let it disturb us from our calm, our center and our mindfulness for ourselves...

Do you take the time to consciously devote yourself to your energy? Do you take the time to mindfully encounter your thoughts and thought patterns and transform them into loving thoughts? Do you take the time to lovingly care for, look after, strengthen and nourish your body? And do you connect body, thoughts and energy, i.e. body, mind and soul, into one unit?

Do you also take the time for your inner journey and to meet yourself in your deepest being? Not just the time for the external journey to a wonderful holiday destination? You notice that this is a small impulse for the next few weeks, whether you travel or not doesn't matter...

Not only in summer it is important to travel not only outwards but also inwards; in fact, that should be the credo of every single day, actually of every single moment of our lives.

And yet we are human and can be overwhelmed by external events, only to go deeper into mindfulness for ourselves.

And yes, I also know the issue of losing myself in the speed of the outside world from time to time, only to realize that I can center myself again... I just get faster and better at seeing this and realigning myself over and over again.

Maybe you'll think that if you have time for yourself this summer and practice mindfulness on all levels of your existence, it will be easier for you to live this energetic harmony and inner balance on the outside as well when everyday life starts again. anticipation of all the following rapid energies that are still waiting for us...


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