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about me


my background

Various areas have shaped me in addition to my training -   all this knowledge, sensing, experiencing are my entire wealth of experience and play an important role in the " moments of energy" .

Individual key data:

  • Training as a kinesiologist KineSuisse (graduation 2009), full-time practical work

  • Ananda Meditation Teacher Training with Irene Elmer (2021 / 2022)

  • Primary school teacher training (1998)

  • Intuition training for several years with Leta vonZun-Steiner, Lucerne

  • various numerous meditation courses with various teachers from around 2010 to today

  • Basic courses in hypnotherapy with Barbara Prinzing, IGM Institute for holistic methodology

  • Shamanic journeys and media support with Agnes Blum, Küttigen in the years 2010 - 2019

  • 2-year training "Process support for body therapists",    IBP Institute Winterthur, 2012 - 2014

  • many and very numerous other courses and further training in the kinesiological, psychological, energetic and spiritual area - I'm probably "chronically gwudigrig"!

  • my life - a great, sometimes challenging, intense but beautiful field of learning

Who is behind "moments of energy"?

I am Rita Erne and I love life in all its facets and its energy. As a very sensitive person, constantly on the lookout for personal, spiritual or energetic development and growth, I have been a trained and certified kinesiologist since 2009 and work every day in energetic support. The basis of energy and its energetic and balancing processes are my daily being and work, my life and my passion.


My philosophy and company

Life as a constant and continuous learning and development process, being in constant change and changing, and in particular accompanying people in change fascinate me very much.

Developing the joy, kindling the fire, living the lightness and accompanying with a lot of care and mindfulness - this is my enthusiasm in the energetic work, whether in the group or in individual accompaniment.

The "moments of energy" are mostly based on the accompaniment in the group - whether online or on site - as well as on the energetic principles from my practical work. Individual energy coaching is also possible. With every evening or every event and workshop there is an energy balance in our deepest being and core. We change our energy and thus also deep aspects of our life.


My background

In addition to my training, various areas have shaped me -   All of this knowledge, feeling, and experiencing are my entire wealth of experience and play an important role in the " moments of energy" .

Individual key data:

  • Primary school teacher training (1998)

  • Training as a certified kinesiologist KineSuisse (2009)

  • Intuitive training over several years

  • various numerous meditation workshops

  • Shamanic traveling and medial support and training

  • Training in Process support and work for body therapists, IBP Winterthur

  • many other courses and workshops in kinesiology, psychology, energetic and spiritual areas

  • my Life - a great and intense teacher

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